Friday, September 9, 2011

Lawson Equipment Cuben Tarp

So I started looking around for a Cuben fabric tarp. Cuben fiber is a dyneema fabric layed between layers of a high strength mylar. This material was created for the America's Cup sail boats. A super lightweight but strong fabric. The issue I saw for me was that the material tends to be virtually see-through. After looking around, I found that Lawson Equipment (one of the highly recommended cottage industry companies) was using a cuben fiber that had a reflective material also in the layers. So I ordered the tarp.

I have now had a good number of times to use this tarp and really like it. The concerns for a lot of people was the sound of the material. People have referred to the sound as a potato chip bag. Loose, it does tend to have that sound, but once you have the tarp set-up tight, I would say it's even quieter than a silnylon tarp.

Overall, the tarp with ridgeline, guylines, and stuff sacks weigh in at 11oz.

Here is a short video right after I got it.

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